Saturday, June 8, 2013

Memorial Day Parade and the Gateway to Summer 2013

The annual Memorial Day parade is generally the same every year, but it does only come once a year.  It’s also a kind of reunion day, since we live right on the parade route, and attract all the friends and relatives to our place for the parade and the backyard barbecue afterward.  All up and down our street, all the grown children come back and bring their children along.  It gives everyone something to look forward to, especially the kids.  And, of course, it kicks off the summer season.

This year, our parade caught the attention of Fox News, which dispatched a crew to the scene to cover it.  Our town holds some kind of record for the Memorial Day Parade, I think for consecutive years.  Of course, there were some years where bad weather forced the cancellation of the parade, but it has been running for a long time.  As far as I know, there has at least been a parade scheduled every year.  I didn’t notice any Fox reporters or equipment where I was at, except for a blimp which passed overhead.  It bore a likeness of SpongeBob on the side, or maybe it was supposed to be a smiling fish.  I have the photo posted here, which I took through the telephone wires above me.  I don’t know if that blimp belonged to Fox News, since I don’t think Nickelodeon is owned by Fox.  I did do a quick check on YouTube, but didn’t find any uploads of the Fox News feature.  I suppose it only lasted about a minute, with some quick snippets of a few bands and floats.  If there was anything in the parade I wanted to see featured, I would likely have missed it if I blinked my eye.

I included a few shots of some bands, including the Avalon String Band, which I believe is based in Center City or South Philadelphia and is probably a regular in the annual Mummer’s Parade on New Year’s Day.  There was also a bagpipe band, which I think was the Loch Ranoch Bagpipe Band, based somewhere in Upper Bucks County.  They make it every year.  By the time the emergency vehicles rolled by toward the end of the parade, I was out of power for the camera.  I had two sets of cheap dollar store batteries to use for this event, and I went through both of them before the parade ended, and saved what power I had left from the batteries to upload the photos.

Other than the emergency vehicles, I missed getting pictures of the Action Karate students, who stopped right in front of our house to give us a demonstration.  But as the parade was winding down, I was going back and forth between the front lawn and the backyard, where my brother was on the grill.  He has a way of timing his cooking so the first hot dogs are ready for the kids just as the tail end of the parade passes our house.  Everything then moved to the back.  The hours went by, and after everyone was gone, there was the cleaning.  Next morning, it was back to work and back to normal, except that summer had now unofficially begun.  There will be more things to look forward to, and more pictures to take.

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